Trans Mountain has developed a Liaison and Continuing Education Program to satisfy the regulatory requirements for regular contact with agencies that may be expected to respond to an incident. Liaison activities are conducted annually to meet the following requirements:

  • Consult with regulatory, and/or responding agencies about our emergency preparedness programs including security, during major updates of any emergency response plan, security plan or fire safety plan.
  • Liaise with agencies that could be expected to respond to an incident, on an on-going basis through Liaison/Continuing Education

The Liaison and Continuing Education program works in conjunction with the Public Awareness Program. The Public Awareness Program continuously provides education to our stakeholders, including pipeline neighbors, landowners and first responders.

In addition to the Public Awareness Program, we conduct a number of activities to ensure a strong relationship with response agencies. This may include any or all of the following communication methods:

  • Community Awareness Emergency Response (CAER) presentations
  • Direct communication/consultation either by phone, email or face to face meeting
  • Joint training opportunities, including Trans Mountain’s participation in external exercises/events
  • The Responder newsletter

Community Awareness and Emergency Response

A Community Awareness Emergency Response (CAER) presentation is typically delivered to first responders to raise awareness about the Trans Mountain Pipeline. The presentation is offered to all communities along the pipeline right-of-way at least once every two years.

For communities that have storage tank facilities, we offer a Tank Fire Awareness course to the local fire department every year to ensure they understand the fire fighting systems at the facilities and the hazards associated with very low likelihood tank farm fires.

From time-to-time, we modify the CAER presentation and deliver it to school groups, search and rescue groups and other special interest groups that are not first responders. We also attend community events with our response equipment and emergency program information. We have attended Emergency Preparedness Week events in various communities and summer festivals, as well as conferences of all types in the communities we operate in.

To request a presentation, or to have members of the emergency management team come to your event, please email [email protected] and we will do our best to accommodate your request.

The Responder Newsletter

The Responder is a newsletter published and distributed to first responders along the Trans Mountain Pipeline. The newsletter highlights information about the emergency management program, including exercise learnings, opportunities for training, equipment updates and seasonal safety information.

View past issues here.

Emergency Response Plan Supplements

In addition to Trans Mountain Corporations Emergency Response Plans, our emergency management group has created additional resources on pipeline safety and emergency response.

This series of supplements works in conjunction with any current community Emergency Response Plans. By understanding the measures outlined in this supplement, community members will be able to enhance community resiliency while supporting our efforts in creating a culture of pipeline safety and awareness.

Emergency Response Guidelines for Schools

Emergency Response Guidelines for Indigenous Communities

Emergency Response Guidelines for Local Governments & Fire Departments