Trans Mountain’s engagement program reflects the diverse and varied interests of the communities and areas traversed by the pipeline, around its facilities as well as those traversed by marine tanker traffic. Trans Mountain is committed to ongoing engagement throughout the life of the TMEP, and its stakeholder engagement program is designed to foster participation from the public who have an interest in the Project.

We are building and sustaining effective relationships based on mutual respect and trust to achieve respective business and community objectives. Open, extensive and thorough engagement along the pipeline corridor and marine corridor is an important part of our Project.

Our commitment to ongoing engagement started as soon as we announced the proposed Project in May 2012. The stakeholder engagement program follows defined principles. We’ve been having wide-ranging discussions with communities, Indigenous groups, landowners and stakeholders for more than five years – and our engagement continues. Details about our activities and results to date are available below.

This open, extensive and thorough engagement is a vital component of the Project. We believe your feedback, questions, concerns and comments will help us develop a better Project.

Through these ongoing conversations, we share Project information and hear stakeholder feedback, concerns and questions. Our communications methods include;

  • Our Project website’s online engagement portal
  • Inquiries to the Project's dedicated phone line and email address
  • Face-to-face meetings, workshops and information sessions
  • Social media

We sought feedback on specific routing details, as well as environmental and other local impacts. Stakeholders provided feedback on many aspects of the Project. We shared that information with the Project team for consideration during our ongoing Project planning. We will continue to share Project updates with stakeholders and continue our communications throughout construction.

Below is a high-level outline of the stakeholder engagement opportunities we have offered since May 2012, starting with our most recent activities at the top.

Engagement Principles

The following principles have been and will continue to be used to guide the development and execution of the stakeholder engagement program:

Accountability – Address issues as they emerge. We believe that effective problem-solving and mitigation strategies can be identified through engagement with stakeholders.

Communication – Facilitate the involvement of stakeholders, listen and gather input, and work collaboratively to resolve concerns. Use multiple channels for communication to meet the communication needs of diverse stakeholder groups.

Local focus – Seek local input and understanding of the region, its people, the environment, and reflect local values and attitudes in communications with stakeholders.

Mutual benefit – Seek solutions to challenges that result in shared benefits for all interests.

Relationship building – Instill confidence in the public by remaining committed to being a good neighbour with the goal of establishing and maintaining positive, long‑term relationships with stakeholders.

Respect – Respect individual values, recognize the legitimacy of concerns, and value the stakeholder input.

Responsiveness – Use input and, where feasible, provide timely feedback to stakeholders on how their input has affected plans and decisions.

Shared process – Design our engagement and communication program based on public input, taking into consideration various stakeholder group interests, knowledge levels, time, and preferred method of engagement.

Sustainability – Report on a triple bottom line of social, environmental and economic concerns raised, and identify how these concerns might be addressed.

Timeliness – Initiate engagement processes as early as possible to provide adequate time for stakeholders to assess information and provide input.

Transparency – Commitments made to stakeholders will be documented and carried out. When we are unable to act on input, we will provide an explanation.