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Répartition Benefits Environment Construction Emergency Management Indigenous Marine Marine Safety Pipeline Pipeline Safety Operations Regulatory Safety Expansion Project Community Investment Careers Sustainability

Document d'Information: Le Projet d’expansion Trans Mountain accélère


Mise à jour : Construction en cours dans la région de Yellowhead

Les activités de construction s’intensifient en Alberta : des travaux sont maintenant en cours dans la région de Yellowhead. Cette section comprend quatre stations de pompage et 285 km d’oléoduc.


Faites la connaissance de Backwoods Energy Services

Backwoods Energy Services est la plus grande entreprise appartenant à des Autochtones dans le NO de l’Alberta. Elle travaille avec nous depuis 2014 et travaille actuellement sur le Projet d’expansion.


Update on Trans Mountain Construction Activities

Trans Mountain is winding down in-field construction activities in a safe, secure and environmentally appropriate manner.


Pipeline Construction is Underway

Pipeline construction for the Expansion Project has officially begun. Trans Mountain celebrated the big milestone this month, as crews kicked off construction in Central Alberta.


Alberta Contractor Kickoff Heralds Start of Trans Mountain Expansion Project Pre-construction Work

Contractors working on the 289-kilometre Yellowhead section of the Trans Mountain Expansion Project gathered recently in Edson for Project orientation and safety sessions


Update: Contractors for the Trans Mountain Expansion Project

Trans Mountain has selected seven contractors to lead construction of the Trans Mountain Expansion Project, which includes work on 980 kilometres of pipeline and all associated facilities.


Preparation Work for Pipeline Construction Begins in Alberta

Activities such as surveying, access development and tree clearing are underway in the Yellowhead County, Alberta area, as workers prepare the right-of-way for the Trans Mountain Expansion Project.

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