Land clearing, mobilization and worksite preparation set the stage for construction of the Trans Mountain Expansion Project.

Preparation for construction includes development of:

  • Camp locations. Where local accommodations in cities or towns are not available in the vicinity of the pipeline construction footprint, camp sites are strategically selected to minimize travel time for workers.
  • Pipe stockpile sites and staging areas. Pipe stockpile sites are necessary to store the pipe for pipeline stringing activities on the pipeline right-of way in advance of construction.
  • Construction yards and borrow pits. To the extent feasible, Trans Mountain plans to access commercial borrow pits for supplies of gravel, soil and sand. Where possible, construction yards are located on previously disturbed or partially disturbed land or industrial sites.
  • New and upgraded temporary access roads for the first 10 km of each pipeline spread. New temporary access will typically require vegetation removal, grading, surfacing and installation of water crossing structures such as bridges and culverts. Trans Mountain will limit new access construction where practical.

As part of construction site preparation, Trans Mountain has developed plans for avoiding or reducing environmental effects of land clearing and worksite preparation. Mitigation plans cover activities such as vegetation removal and disposal, topsoil and root zone materials handing and grading, and water crossings.

The timing and respective season of construction at each site is based on when it is required for use. Cleanup and reclamation will proceed once temporary facilities and associated infrastructure are no longer required.

Trans Mountain is required to consult with government authorities, potentially affected Aboriginal groups, affected landowners/tenants and other parties regarding the temporary use of lands, and properly notify them prior to starting construction on these sites. For example, Trans Mountain will provide municipal authorities at least 30 working days’ notice prior to construction in their jurisdictions and a minimum four weeks’ notice to Aboriginal groups before commencing construction in the vicinity of their respective communities. Landowners and lessees will be advised of construction locations and schedules to allow for sufficient time to plan and implement alternative land use decisions.  In urban areas, Trans Mountain will provide notification to residents through methods determined in collaboration with municipal and regional authorities.