Along the pipeline corridor, the Trans Mountain Expansion Project continues to create employment and economic opportunities for Indigenous, local, and regional workers. We also create training and legacy benefits for Indigenous Peoples from small and large communities.

As of December 31, 2021, more than 2,000 Indigenous workers have worked on the Expansion Project. We are proud of this important milestone. It is a crucial part of our goal to build sustainable and respectful relationships with Indigenous communities. As the Project continues, we remain committed to working cooperatively and transparently towards this goal.

2,000 Indigenous Workers

We are also committed to maximizing business opportunities for Indigenous, local, and regional community members along the pipeline corridor. We work collaboratively with our contractors to achieve construction-based benefits.

As of December 31, 2021, Trans Mountain and our contractors have awarded more than $2.74 billion to 3,942 Indigenous contracts. These benefits continue to be realized through Indigenous-owned or joint-venture businesses participating in the construction of the expansion, in addition to marine safety and spill response enhancements for the West Coast.

$2.74 billion Indigenous Contracts

As pipeline construction evolves, we remain committed to continued listening, learning, and working with Indigenous Peoples to ensure the knowledge and advice shared with the Project team is fully considered and incorporated.