The Trans Mountain Expansion Project has proudly created significant economic and employment opportunities for Indigenous, local and regional workers across the pipeline corridor.

As of December 31, 2022, we achieved a significant milestone with more than 3,100 Indigenous workers who have worked on the Expansion Project. We remain committed to building relationships with Indigenous communities where we operate, to sharing mutual benefits and to working safely together to complete the Project.

As of December 31, 2022, Trans Mountain and our contractors have awarded more than $4.84 billion to 6,088 Indigenous contracts. These benefits continue to be realized through Indigenous-owned or joint-venture businesses participating in the construction of the expansion, in addition to marine safety and spill response enhancements for the West Coast.

We continue to collaborate with our contractors to achieve construction-based benefits by maximizing business opportunities for Indigenous, local and regional community members along the pipeline corridor.

As construction continues across Alberta and British Columbia, we remain committed to continued listening, learning and working with Indigenous Peoples to build our pipeline in the most safe and responsible way.